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Showing posts from December, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas is just around corner, and I am excited. This year, I have to be away from my family, but my friend is coming to visit me. I will be doing a bit of traveling for the holidays this year. I will be going to the beach, and going on some tours here in Mexico. In the Yucatan State. There are so many things to do there, it's great. So, I hope all of you have a great Christmas, whever you are, and whatever you plan to do!

Cuidad Del Carmen

I've been in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico for the past 3 weeks, and I really think this is a nice place. It's an island, and there's not a whole lot of space, but the beach is really nice, and it's a great place to be for the winter months. The weather is perfect. I am having nice time in Mexico, and can learn Spanish pretty easily here, because no one here speaks English. So, that's pretty good for me. So, it's cool here, and if you are looking for a place to get away for the winter, and enjoy the beach, Carmen is the place.