As we all know, when we are in a rush, and we work full time, the last thing we want is to come home and cook a large meal. So, we usually end up putting something unhealthy on the table, because it's faster and easier. I know that's what I do. but, I found something that has helped me a lot with that. It's called Fix Quix. They cook the meat for you and all you have to do is add it to your meal. They have turkey, smoked ham, and grilled chicken. It's all made ready, just open it up and add it to your meal. It's super easy and delicious. There are so many recipe ideas. For example, you can get some tortillas, and just add the grilled chicken and have a grilled chicken wrap. Or, you can add the ham to a salad and jazz it up a little. This can save you lots of time in the kitchen, and its healthy too. That's what I love about it. This product is really new, so it's not out everywhere yet, but if you live in Texas, Arizona, or St. Louis, Missouri you can get a