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Hey All

Hi everyone! It's been a little while since I last wrote. Just wanted to catch you all up. I have been very busy with so much going on. Went to a couple of water parks and other places out of town. There is a water park in Caton Texas that is very nice and relaxing. Not too many people the, it's not too big. But you can have lots of fun. It is owned by Christians, so they play contemporary christian music all day, and the people are dressed in more than just a few strings. So, I think this water park is the most family friendly one I have found so far. It's called Splash Kingdom. So if you are ever in the area, you should check it out.


DonnaB said…
That sounds like the kind of park I would love to take my family to. We are always looking for new and exciting places to visit that would be more Christian like for my children. I hate going to a place that have so many underdressed people. That gives my teenage children the impression that it is "ok" to act that way. I'm glad you let us know about this place.
Thank you for sharing this place with us. As a Mother of three young children it's nice to know there is a place like the one yo have described. Thank you once again for sharing.
DanJ said…
I sure wish I would have known about this place just a few months ago. My family and have done a lot of traveling in the past years. Mostly going through Texas. I sounds like a great place to stop and take a break. Christian Bands. That is even better. Thank you for this.
DianaLee said…
Makes me want to move nearby so I can go there, too. I'm so tired of feeling like a fuddy duddy because I think people should dress and act with a little self respect. I want to have fun when I'm out with the family, not feel awkward or like I need to avert my eyes. This place sounds perfect.
Anonymous said…
I live in California but I'm originally from East Texas. You mention you ever go to Canton Trade Days? I love that place! Great shopping. I really miss it. My best friend sells beautiful custom-fitted toe rings should go see her. It's called Ring Around the Toesie, and her name is Rita. Tell her Bj sent you!
Lynne Lepley said…
Thanks for information on this great- sounding park. I've never heard of it, but it's nice to know about a great place to take the family. I just don't know of many places like this--. We need more!
charlpoore7 said…
That park sounds like a great idea. I havent heard of anything like this before and since im a Christian it sounds like it might be something I would like. Im going to have to see if there are any of these type parks where I live.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting info about the Christian Themed Park. It is nice that there is actually somewhere in the USA to take children and not have to worry about what they will hear or see and you can actually relax and enjoy the experience without having to worry. Hopefully more people will find out about this place and it will become an overnite sensation; :)
Anonymous said…
Wow - I was not aware that there were Christian theme parks. I would enjoy visiting this one, especially considering that they play Christian music. An even bigger incentive to try it is the apparent dress code? I was amused by your comment that people are wearing more than just strings. LOL It is much more comfortable to enjoy places like that when people are clothed instead of halfway or even almost totally naked.
Unknown said…
thank you. As a Christian, I would love to visit a park like this and wish more were available...
my5boys said…
I am glad to hear that there are some places out there like that. A lot of so called family fun places don't take that into account. Thanks
Anonymous said…
Thank you for letting people know about this park. Many water parks are far from "family friendly", and the swimsuit styles are often inappropriate for public. I would love to have a place like this close to me.
Anonymous said…
Hai thanks for showing us one wonder place.We also seeking for one funny place for our all famil members.Thank u so much.Surely we will go and enjoy water place
Anonymous said…
Thank you for telling us about Splash Kingdom. If I every go to Texas, I will definelty have to visit there.

Sounds like a nice park to visit without all the "rifraf" that you can see at so many of the other ones!!
Connie said…
This sounds like a great place for an outing with the kids! So many of these parks are filled with teenagers and young adults who dress and behave in a way that I don't want to expose my children to. Although I don't live in TX, I will be looking for somewhere locally like this!
A@B said…
Cool, splash park. I have another friend that told me about that place. We might go this summer!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for letting us all know about this great park. I've never heard of it before and I'll be sure to pass the information on to my daughter. Finally a place I can feel good about having my grandkids visit!
ti3nD said…
hei mandi. my uncle and family live in Texas.

It has been really long since you last updated. HOw have you been doing recently? still busy?

wana ask you a question regarding reviewstream? hav you been paid out before?
Unknown said…
Some of my best memories of child hood took place in a water park in upstate New York called "Splish Slash." I would go up tp visit my grandparents and they would take me to Splish Splash every summer.
suvodip said…
Hey Thats sounds really good. Even I like water parks but you know the water in there sometimes get trouble to us. Some time the water is not clean all the time. But take proper care specially for kids and you will be alright. Surely I will visit that on SpLASh..
chetan said…
I will have to wait for another 4 months to visit this park as now I am back to my native place in India. I work in Houston and the place described by you might be a thrill for my 5 year old daughter. So as soon as I get back to work I will be visiting this place and see how exciting it is. Thanks, as I had never heard and will be definitely looking to spend some good time with my family.

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