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I Signed Up For SocialSpark!!

Hey blogger friends! I just recently signed up for SocialSpark. It is the newest way to earn money from your blog, and to meet new people. All bloggers know how difficult it can be to keep up your blog, and when you spend so much time working on it, it's nice to see new places that can help you monetize your blog. SocialSpark is great. You can meet new people from all over the world, and connect with people who have the same interests as you. Even though Social Spark is new, I already love it. There is so much to do there. You can look through all the opportunities there, and then sign up for them if you are interested. You can also create opportunites for other bloggers. It's way cool! You can hook up with new friends, or send friends request to those who you are interested in. I already have some new friends that I met just from SocialSpark. The site is very well put together, and I enjoy visiting it, just to see what's new. SocialSpark is different from any other Social Media Marketing Website I have ever seen. And, their code of ethics helps make them better than the others.

-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly

I love it, because you do not have to compromise at all. Just be yourself, and keep the high level of integrity that your readers expect. Write what you want to write about, and love doing it. That's what makes blogging fun! So, if you haven't yet heard of SocialSpark, you should really check it out. Then you'll understand why I love it so much.

Sponsored by SocialSpark


CelticKnotz said…
Thanks for the info about SocialSpark- I have been looking for a good social networking site and you have definitely convinced me to check them out! :)
Alan said…
Sounds very interesting. I think I'll have to give it a try. I'm always looking for ways to earn more dollars for my blog. What type of results have you gotten from it?
Teresa Spencer said…
Hey. SocialSpark sounds interesting. Is it rather easy to get around? It sounds like it from your post. I'm definatly going to check it out!
metter1 said…
Thanks for the tip -- I had not heard of this site, but will definitely check it out now. Even though I don't blog primarily for money, offsetting expenses and meeting new people in the process sounds like a win-win.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the heads up on SocialSpark.. I had no idea you could earn $$ from your blog. I'll be sure to check it out and pass the word on to my blogger friends..
Mrs. L said…
wow.i just checked out the socialspark. Though im not a big fan of "online friendship" socialspark looks quite different and im really going to check it out. Thanks.
MamaSaid said…
Wow, I'm always looking for ways to monetize my blog and I didn't know about SocialSpark. Thanks for putting the word out!
Rheanun said…
Thank you for the info. I am always looking for different ways to make a few extra cents/dollars here and there!
Unknown said…
When I search a new kind of social networking site, I have to come across your site and found it is really useful info on a simple and cool webpages. thanks.
Sharon said…
This SocialSpark thing sounds very interesting, and I'm definitely going to check it out! Thanks! :)
Bryan said…
This is an interesting service. It's not your typical paid to post program because, according to the web site, sponsored links carry the no-follow attribute! Paid posting kind of fell into disrepute because Google started punishing the sellers of paid links (and they did that because they felt that selling paid links was really about selling PageRank and search engine position). SocialSpark seems a lot more Google-friendly than the other paid to post sites; it's more akin to regular advertising. Thanks for the heads-up.
melloje said…
I've never heard of this site until now. I'm definitely going to go explore since I'm always looking for more cool sites to bookmark. Especially when it's geared towards such creative blogging minds :-) Cheers mate.
vijayanths said…
wow, that's' really a awesome site. I would join certainly join this site.

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