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My New Smile

I am very excited. Yesterday, my braces came off, and I have a new smile. It feels so different and so much better. Maybe I will take a picture and put it up, so you all can see. I have to say my orthodontist did a nice job. His name is Dr Richard Herrscher, and his practice is in Athens, Texas. I highly recommend him for anyone needing orthodontic work done.


Twila said…
My brother had braces. He didn't want to get them, but when he got them and they came off, he was very pleased.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
My sister couldn't wait to get her braces off, either. We were all amazed at the difference in her smile. Can't wait to see your pic!

~ Sheila
Anonymous said…
I got my braces off on May 1st.
It is a great feeling, isn't it!
Be sure to wear your retinerand take lots of smiling pictures. :D
Share your pictures when you get a chance!
Roxanne said…
Congratulations! Braces aren't a pleasure to have but the reward in the end is worth it. I do hope you post a picture, would be nice to show off your perfect smile!
Jade62973 said…
I remember the day my braces finally came off after 3 long years with them on. It was great!! It's funny because you get so used to your braces that when they come off you constently touch your teeth with your tongue, lol. You can also finally eat apples like normal people again too! Congratulations!!
KMG said…
you are having helping tendence
u r nice person
Sherry said…
My daughters braces are coming off in three weeks! Hooray!!!
teresaquick said…
That's awesome- congrats! How long have you had your braces for? I never had braces before, but it's always been on the back of my mind to get them.

Anyhow, I'm glad to hear it was worth it- I'm so happy for you!
Anonymous said…
Hey, congrats on getting the braces off...I had braces for years, and I well remember how great it was to be rid of them...
Unknown said…
Well It's always a great thing when you get you're braces off.
I congratulate you on this accomplishment.
Mae said…
Wow. I haven't ever had any braces. I bet I really wouldn't enjoy having braces if I had to have them. I'm glad that you've gotten them off.
Good luck to you on the removal of the braces. I'm sure you're really gorgeous now!
honeybee said…
hmm braces!! i think i need them too
ellie said…
There's nothing like a new smile to brighten your day.
Unknown said…
Your post remeinds me of when I had braces on my front teeth. Well, the Dr. didn't tell me that my teeth would just move apart again unless I got a permanent "staple." Glad to hear you have a good Dr. We'd love to see your new pics!
Anonymous said…
good for you..I also want to have a brace to fix my teeth.I dont smile much because I have a ugly teeth..
Carrie said…
Congratulations on your new smile:) It's usually part of people's first impression of you, so it's good to have pretty teeth!
Unknown said…
I haven't tried getting braces for my teeth. My dentist tells me that I do not need it, but he recommended that I use retainers. My sister had braces when she was young, and I could tell by that time that it was very hard.
libertyjack2 said…
Congratulations and enjoy the "new you"! It was all worth it I'm sure.
Virgil said…
Many congratulations! I remember in the first moments after my braces were removed, I was sliding my tongue across my teeth, and couldn't believe the smoothness! It's quite nice not having to worry about braces any longer.
kim said…
I am actually going for a consultation on braces tomorrow to close a small gap in my two front teeth. I am already excited to get them off too and I havent even had them put on yet. I am excited for you too :)
Anonymous said…
Did your orthodontist know about this? I think if you let him know that you shared how good his job is, he’ll be proud of you and himself. Reading positive reactions like this is one of the greatest achievements any professional can ever have!
Pierre Cardan

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