Monday, March 24, 2008

Played Hide and Seek With My Niece

My neice is always wanting me to play with her so even though I wasn't feeling too well, I played hide and seek with her which is her favorite game. I got tired pretty quickly. But, I think I had as much fun as she did. I really enjoy spending time with her.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

What A wonderful day tomorrow is. The day we celebrate the resurrection Of Jesus Christ, which is hope for all the world. So, to everyone out there I say, Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Need To Start A Diet.....

I have been feeling a little miserable lately and so I think I need to start a diet. I feel like I have been eating way too much lately and it has caused me to gain a little. That is so not cool. So, I will be starting my diet right away :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What Desert Are You Most Like?

I guess I did this quiz because I was hungry. Oh well, here are the results.

You Are Smores

Unusual and unconventional, you make your strange ways work for you.

You've got personality - no one's denying that!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

# 1 Travel Destination for 2008?

According to Lonely Planet, the United States is the top destinations for 2008! Wow. Who would have thought? So, I guess those of us in the US don't have to travel far for a great vacation this year.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nora's Notes

Thanks Nora for being the first to shout at me on this blog! You rock girl!
moving on now.... I am setting up my Technorati Profile, so all my links will count. So, If you are interested in exchanging, just let me know!

What Kind of Traveller Am I?, I'm glad you asked!

Your Travel Personality Is: The Bonder

For you, travel is less about where you're going - but who you're going with.

It's no fun to experience an amazing city or a beautiful beach without your friends.

In fact, it doesn't really matter where you go... because you and your friends always figure out how to have fun!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Beautiful Mexico

This is a picture of the lovely view I saw while visiting Mexico. Some friends and I were just enjoying the afternoon, shopping and relaxing. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I would love to travel for a living. I enjoy learning about different cultures, and traditions. This fall, I will be moving to Mexico for 6 months to learn Spanish. I am very excited. I'll be attending a language school in Merida for a month, and then will move on to another location, undecided as of yet. But, I sure, no matter what happens, I will enjoy the experience.

Skeletons; Trending Design Element

In recent years, skeletons have become increasingly popular as a design element in apparel. From t-shirts to dresses to socks, it seems like...