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Green a Good Color for Google

I love to see so many people doing things to help our environment., so we can keep earth beautiful. I am not an environmentalist by any stretch of the imagination, but I also don't think we should trash it up either. So, I appreciate Google's commitment to helping the environment. They are going green which is great. Finding ways to use natural resources for energy, such as solar and wind power, saves lots of money, and is better for the enviroment. Here is a link for more information, Powering a clean energy revolution.


J. C. said…
what a great post, it is never enough to emphasize the importance of the preservation and protection of out environment - your summery is saying it all, thanks for sharing
Mrs C. said…
I am a huge Google fan. Everytime I think Google couldn;t possibly outdo themselves they pull yet another great idea out of thier hats. Now going gree is just an incredbile way for them to give back to the society they are already giving so much to.
Unknown said…
I love Google too. Not only are they taking seriously the responsibility of preserving our environment, but they treat their employees great! It's nice to see a high profile company thinking about more than just the bottom line.
baby1 said…
I also think it's great that google is looking out for our environment! I am some what of a tree hugger when i'm not working the 9 to 5 (i Wish)job. If more companies decited on not only taking green from our world and gave a little green back I think we could all breath a bit easier!

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