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Starting to Feel Like Summer

I was suprised when I woke up this morning to find it cold outside. It has been pretty nice out lately. But, later on it quickly warmed up. Now it's kind of hot out. So, I'm going to take my niece to the water park soon. Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. So, I'll let you guys know how it was when I get back.


playboygama said…
I'm glad summer season is back, time to break out and shine up the motorcycle. Not a moment too soon as the gas prices are insane ><
Unknown said…
I like this time of the year when it's not too hot during the heat of the day. Here in the NC it can get pretty steamy. These pop up storms have been refreshing as well. Yup, I am glad Summer is making its way here.
Elicia said…
I am glad that summer is here as well. My favorite time of year is April and May. Living in Texas this is my real summer. We visit amusement parks before June because you will not catch us at an amusement park in 100 degree weather. Hope that you enjoyed your trip to the waterpark.

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