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Losing weight is a serious issue for many Americans, and those who attempt it often walk away without success. In situations like this one, it might be right to consider having lapband surgery. is a website where you can go to find a lapband doctor to perform the procedure. If you are interested in having lapband surgery, you can find out how to be a part of a free seminar to get more information about the procedure. An important thing to know about lapband surgery is that it is one of the safest, and is completely reversable. So, if you are one of the many who have tried all sorts of ways to lose weight, and have failed, consider having lapband surgery. Your journey in life is better when you are happy with the way you look.


Lapband surgery is still a very serious surgery and should not be taken lightly. This is not for the person who just can't kick 20 or 30 pounds, but if you are extremely overweight and cannot get down to a healthy weight then you may wish to look into this type of solution, but talk to a lot of people who have had the surgery first. You will find just as many failures as successes. It does not always work or the weight comes back. There are other serious medical conditions that can be caused by the lack of nutrition too. Do your research first!
Shrigauri said…
Thanks for the information>never heard of it.will sure look in to to it and hope to be benifitted.
cris said…
Looking good an important goal in our life. Looking good make is feel happy...
I think that any method that is real and can make people happy - is a good one!!!
Paul d said…
My wife who is not seriously overweight,says that she wishes she was more overweight so she could get surgery.I think operations like lapband, is good for those who's health is at risk and cannot lose pounds the traditional ways,but the rest of us need to learn self control and take up exercise,me included
Cilantro said…
I honestly think that along with condition-appropriate exercise, a good diet is key. This surgery seems to just help with that. Feeling full can be triggered by many foods. One example is fiber. A diet high in fiber can help you feel full without too many calories. Animal products often have a lot of problems associated with them. Most people stereotype vegetarians and vegans as weak, pale, sick, and underweight, but you can be healthy or unhealthy whether you're veg or not. It's just actually more difficult to plan a healthy meat diet, due to the very nature of animal products (most of them being high fat, high protein, high cholesterol, low fiber, acidic amino acids, etc). Look into cutting out animal products and eating high-fiber foods, with moderate levels of fat (about 10% of calories) and protein (about 5 - 15%). Ask an educated, competent nutritionist for personalized advice.

There are also a lot of other things that affect how full you feel and how you can lose weight. For example, many medical problems can contribute to craving excess calories, and eating small, frequent healthy meals throughout the day is better for ideal weight than eating large, infrequent healthy meals. The Western ideal of 3 meals and maybe a snack or two is not a healthy pattern.

Surgeries all have different risks and benefits, and many depend on the individual. I don't know much about this surgery, but it looks moderately serious from that webpage. If you can get the same effects without cutting into your body, without general anesthesia, etc and just eat healthy, high-fiber, low-calorie foods instead, I would try that first. Think about how altering diet is part of the surgery's program. Why don't you eat healthy without the surgery?
Unknown said…
i decided not to opt for the lapband surgery, but instead I exercised intensively.

I lost 30 pounds and I'm still losing.
Anonymous said…
I had lap band surgery two months ago after reaching my top weight of 465 pounds. I have lost 52 pounds and really feel like I have control of my life. I agree with cilantro that eating right will help you lose weight. Twice in my life I have lost more than 100 pounds. This surgery will help to serve as a safety net for the times when my bad eating habits took back over and the pounds came back.
DB said…
I think that Lapband should only be used as a last resort. There are plenty of ways to get the weight off if you put your mind to it. You could cut your caloric intake by 500 calories per day and walk for a half an hour each day to go along with that and while it may take a while for the weight to come off, it will. The weight wasn't put on over night so it's not going to come off over night either. I'm not a big fan of surgery BUT if I HAD to recommend a surgical proceedure, I'd definately say Lapband is probably safer than a gastric bypass or some of the other surgeries out there. I say try the good old fashion way FIRST, then maybe consult a doctor and speak to people who've had the procedure.
Anonymous said…
As one of those seriously overweight Americans I can say that I am now looking into the lapband. I feel it's less invasive than gastric bypassand reversible. I am disabled and have a hard time getting around.
Thanks for the post
Jillie said…
I've been very curious about the lap band procedure for a friend of mine who has tried so many methods of losing weight and failed. Thanks for your informative post. I'm going to show it to my friend.
erica said…
Some say Lap Band is unsafe..But they're wrong.Proper knowledge about this thing will lead you into positive result. Weight Loss Surgery</a

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