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My Friends Trip to Memphis

I had a few friends go to Memphis recently, and they had a wonderful time. They went to a great jazz club, and participated in open mic night. I wish I would have gone just for that. I love to do things like that. If you are into that sort of thing yourself, you should check out Memphis. Apparently that have alot of those clubs.


Camille said…
Jazz clubs? I had no idea those still existed what with today's current music taste ;)
I'll check some of them out someday, thanks!
Anonymous said…
What part of Memphis was the club in? I like all of those bars along Beal St, but I'm not too up on the jazz club scene...
Eddy said…
Jazz is everywhere, you just have to know where to look. A lot of places in Minneapolis have live jazz music.
Patty said…
A trip to Memphis is not complete without a stop at Graceland, even if you are not an Elvis fan. Follow that with the trip to Beal St. and what a great music experience you can have.
Anonymous said…
I love jazz! And I've been looking to get away for a weekend. I think I'll make Memphis my next vacation spot.
Anonymous said…
I love jazz clubs :) We have one in Cincinnati called the Blue Wisp. Actually, a friend of mine, a saxophone player, and his trio play there almost weekly during the school year. They're called the Ron Enyard Trio; if you're ever in the Cincinnati area, you should check them out. Or at least try out the Blue Wisp!
Elizabeth said…
Oh, I wonder why you weren't able to join them for the trip. nToo bad. Was it any style of Jazz in particular?
twoyears23 said…
Yes, Memphis is a great city! Been there many times. But, other than Graceland havnt really experienced too much of the city--It does have a cool sense about it.
twoyears23 said…
Yes, Memphis is a great city! Been there many times. But, other than Graceland havnt really experienced too much of the city--It does have a cool sense about it.

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