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Where Is That Person Calling From?

I know I'm not the only one who has had this problem before. The phone rings, and you check to see who's calling, only to find a phone number that you don't recognize. Then they just keep calling and calling. You can use a cool service called the Reverse Cell Phone Lookup to find out whose calling you. You just type in the phone number, and you can find out where the call is coming from. The number doesn't even have to be listed. You can also take further action to stop these annoying phone calls by joining the National No Call Registry. This is a service I highly recommend. No one should have to be bothered at all hours of the day answering unsolicited phone calls. So, visit to help solve your phone worries.


kidd-ittles said…
Interesting idea. Glad to know about it...always wondering about random phone calls I I will know. Mwahhahaha!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
That is a great site I had a problem about a year ago where I was being harrassed by a colletion agency for the previous owner of the telephone number I had. I was being threatened about how the person was going to investigate my cell phone and me and if in fact I was the person they were looking for they were going to make my life miserable. I looked up the reverse number, and provided the information to my cell phone provider and now have a password on my account, I have to provide them to verify that it is in fact me on the phone. I was told that some collection agencies will go as far as to impersonating you so be careful.
daMawma said…
Thanks for this sounds like a great service. Gotta check it out.
the curious said…
Thanks for the new source of looking up numbers! I normally just enter the 10 digit number in Google, however, if that yields no results I may try, They have quite a big database, mostly of corrupt telemarketers and collection agencies that ignore the do not call list, or in the case of bad collection agencies, they harass friends, neighbors and don't care if they get a wrong number, they continue to call you.
the curious said…
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none said…
Reverse Cell Phone Lookup sounds good, but a quick check reveals that you have to pay for the information. Oh well. I guess if I REALLY needed to know, it would be worth the cost.
galejhutch said…
It sounds like a wonderful idea. I work midnights and I hate being woke up all hours of my sleep. I have kids in school so I don't want to turn the phone off. The only concern that I have is that I don't want my unlisted number being given out. The "Big Brother" issue scares me a little.
Anonymous said…
i am with the poster who googles numbers she's not familiar with. you have wonderful resources, though on your blog. thank you for sharing your discoveries and good luck in mexico.

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