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Showing posts from 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas is just around corner, and I am excited. This year, I have to be away from my family, but my friend is coming to visit me. I will be doing a bit of traveling for the holidays this year. I will be going to the beach, and going on some tours here in Mexico. In the Yucatan State. There are so many things to do there, it's great. So, I hope all of you have a great Christmas, whever you are, and whatever you plan to do!

Cuidad Del Carmen

I've been in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico for the past 3 weeks, and I really think this is a nice place. It's an island, and there's not a whole lot of space, but the beach is really nice, and it's a great place to be for the winter months. The weather is perfect. I am having nice time in Mexico, and can learn Spanish pretty easily here, because no one here speaks English. So, that's pretty good for me. So, it's cool here, and if you are looking for a place to get away for the winter, and enjoy the beach, Carmen is the place.

Online Gaming

I love online gaming. It is something I always enjoy doing, because I love winning, and trying new things. There are so many games that I still need to learn to play, and I found a website called where you can find all your favorite casino games, and also learn how to play them. This website is nice because right when you get there you want to jump right into the game. The website is set up really nicely, and you can easily find what you are looking for. My favorite game is Roulette , and since I'm not a major gambler, I just pick red or black, and odds or evens. I ususally do pretty good at guessing. The game is still need lots of help with is Poker. I think this game is so fun, but I'm not as good at it as I want to be. But, I love to watch it. This website has several poker rooms you can play in. And of course they have slots, keno, craps and blackjack. There is so much to choose from. You can even make new friends there if you go often enough. Anyway, like I said

Mexican Independence Day

Well Mexican Independence day is next week, and there were celebrations of fireworks in the streets tonight with Viva Mexico signs up everywhere. So, I decided to celebrate Independence day also by going to Cancun. So, that's where I'll be Monday and Tuesday. I am very excited, and so I'll be sure to post some pictures here.

Out Of Touch

I feel like I've been a little out of touch with you guys. It's just that I have been very busy. I have been in Mexico for a week now, and I really like it. The Yucatan is beautiful. Anyway, it's really hot here and I am studying Spanish, Wow I have alot to learn. But, I guess I can only get better. Gotta go now, but I will write more later.

Want To Relax

Today I just want to relax. I am a little tired, and don't really want to do anything. I haven't really felt so good today. I also wasn't in the best mood. But, I think I going to try to change that right now! I should be excited, I am going to Mexico in 2 weeks, and don't have anything here that I am leaving behind. So, I guess I should be happy! Hard to think that in 6 months, I'll be bi-lingual. Pretty Cool! It's about time, I've been studying Spanish long enough. Anyway, I guess this is an opportunity that most people don't get, so YEA for Me!

How Would You Like to Save?

I have been saving money for about a year to get ready for my trip to Mexico, and it hasn't been easy. I wish I would have known about the many options that WaMu has for saving money. It's really cool. You can open an Online Savings Accounts with Wamu for as little as $1.00! I've never heard of something so cool. Plus you can access you money with a debit card. They also have a savings service called Statement Savings. With this service, you get the same rate no matter how much you deposit, and you can open this account with as little as $5. Then there's getting a traditional, an online cd, or a liquid cd. Getting a CD is the best way to save if you know you can put your money away for a while, because you get a higher interet rate. The traditional CD lets you lock interest rate for one month, or up to ten years. You can even improve your rate with a feature they have called "Bump Rate". I think it's very progressive of Wamu to offer such a variety in way

3 Weeks Left !

August 17th is the day of my flight, and I will be in Mexico for 6 months! It's kind of scary, because I am still making my housing arrangements. I had hoped to have that already done. Anyway, I have decided to get excited about it. It's going to be a new experience for sure. I can't wait to start my Spanish classes, and I'm going to have a teacher all to myself. I think that will be good for me, and help me learn faster. Anyway, I know these three weeks are going to fly by, and I will miss everyone sooo much, but I know it's what I need to do, so 3 weeks and counting!

Earn Extra Cash With OpenDada

Hey guys! Do you have a website or a blog? Good news for you! Dada Entertainment has just released a new Music API and affiliate program. You'll get paid for the leads you send them. That really cool, because Dada is a Ringtones, and MP3 music provider, and you know everyone loves music. So, it won't be hard to get some customers. You can put a cool widget up on your site, and let it do all the work for you. If someone clicks the link, and orders you get paid! Cool, huh? So, if you want to make a little extra cash from your site, go to, and sign up as a partner.

San Diego

My friend is getting to go to San Diego tomorrow for work. But, she get to chill there for two days. Sounds like so much fun, and I'm way jealous because I work with her, and I don't get to go. Oh, well. My consoaltion prize is Mexico, I guess. San Diego's not that great, I've just not been to California yet. But, I'll go one day. After I go to some of my other locations of my choice first. Anyway, I hope she has fun.

Custom Writing

School is hard, and I never liked it. But, I always knew how important it was. But, sometimes you just get overloaded and you need a little help. Especially in the summer when you should be going on vacation. That's why I love companies like Custom Writing. They can help you with your essay writing, which was always one of my least favortite things to do. What's awesome about them, is that they can help as little or as much as you need them to. For example, if you need to write an essay on death penalty , with this service you can get them to write the essay, and then you will get an outline on the article and how they came up with the article. They will write your essay exactly the way you want it, and can have it done in as little as 6 hours. They online use up to date sources, and they offer free unlimited ammendments. So, no matter what, you will be happy with the outcome. You also don't have to worry about plagerism, because you get a plagerism report with your order.

Laying Out in the Pool!

Well I just got an new swimming pool, and I about to go out and relax. I'm gonna get a float and a drink and enjoy. I am really tired today, and I'll actually have the afternoon off. I am excited. It will be nice to just chillax by the pool!

Get the Best Auto Loan!

Summer is usually everyone's favorite time to travel and go on vacation. But, you can't do much of that without a good reliable car. If you are looking for a car loan, I think I've found a great place to go. It's called And, that's just what they do. They will find you the best possible loan for your new car, used car, or even refinancing. That make is easy for you, because no matter what your auto loan needs are, you can get them met from this one website. Alot of times when you are looking for a used car loan , you don't always get the best offers. That's why you should check this website out. They will sort through the mess to find you the best deal possible. And, if you've built up your credit since your last auto loan, you could probably find yourself a better rate by refinancing your current loan. That's definately something worth checking out. They also started an auto loan blog where you can learn about auto loan appli

Working Hard

My boss if on vacation in beautiful Key West. I am way jealous. But, while he's gone I have been having to work extra hard. I am having to get answers for all his customers while he's gone. Now I see why he really needed a vacation. Anyway, I am really tired. I think now I need a vacation!!

New Blog

Hello~ I just wanted to let everyone know that i just got my own domain. It's called Ashley's Picks . So you can drop by and let me know what you think. It's brand new, so be easy on me. I know I still have alot of work to do.

Go Natural Whenever You Can

I love to be healthy and make better decisions for my body whenever I can, and some places just help make that much easier. Whole Foods Market is one of those places. They are now running a podcast about natural health alternatives. In case you don't know who Whole Foods Market is, they are the worlds leading suppliers of natural and organic foods. So, I guess if anyone should be talking about natural health alternatives, it should be them. This months podcast is called "Natural Salon". In this podcast, John Masters gives you cutting and styling tips, and how you get get your perfect style with all natural ingrediants. He is the founder of John Masters Organics personal care products and salon. I think the podcast is a great idea, and can be so informative to everyone. So, check out to view the podcast, and start taking care of your whole body.

6 Weeks and Counting!

I will be moving to Mexico in 6 weeks! It's hard to believe that is will be so soon. I am actually starting to get excited, because I have been making housing plans and picking which school I will be going to. Of course I will keep everyone updated while I am there! I will be located right on the beach for 6 whole months! So, I know it won't be too bad :)

See The World Better With Zenni Optical

I found a really great place online where you can the best deal on eyeglasses. It is , and they have really cute and stylish frames for as little as $8. Everyone knows that getting a good pair of glasses can be expensive, so that's why I think this site is great. They have a large selection of eyewear for prices that anyone can afford. The website is so easy to navigate so you can easily find what you are looking for. The website is also a secure so you can feel safe when you order online. So, if you wear glasses, you should check out this website to find the best deal on your eyewear.

My New Smile

I am very excited. Yesterday, my braces came off, and I have a new smile. It feels so different and so much better. Maybe I will take a picture and put it up, so you all can see. I have to say my orthodontist did a nice job. His name is Dr Richard Herrscher, and his practice is in Athens, Texas. I highly recommend him for anyone needing orthodontic work done.

Hey All

Hi everyone! It's been a little while since I last wrote. Just wanted to catch you all up. I have been very busy with so much going on. Went to a couple of water parks and other places out of town. There is a water park in Caton Texas that is very nice and relaxing. Not too many people the, it's not too big. But you can have lots of fun. It is owned by Christians, so they play contemporary christian music all day, and the people are dressed in more than just a few strings. So, I think this water park is the most family friendly one I have found so far. It's called Splash Kingdom. So if you are ever in the area, you should check it out.

I Signed Up For SocialSpark!!

Hey blogger friends! I just recently signed up for SocialSpark . It is the newest way to earn money from your blog, and to meet new people. All bloggers know how difficult it can be to keep up your blog, and when you spend so much time working on it, it's nice to see new places that can help you monetize your blog. SocialSpark is great. You can meet new people from all over the world, and connect with people who have the same interests as you. Even though Social Spark is new, I already love it. There is so much to do there. You can look through all the opportunities there, and then sign up for them if you are interested. You can also create opportunites for other bloggers. It's way cool! You can hook up with new friends, or send friends request to those who you are interested in. I already have some new friends that I met just from SocialSpark. The site is very well put together, and I enjoy visiting it, just to see what's new. SocialSpark is different from any other Soc

My Friends Trip to Memphis

I had a few friends go to Memphis recently, and they had a wonderful time. They went to a great jazz club, and participated in open mic night. I wish I would have gone just for that. I love to do things like that. If you are into that sort of thing yourself, you should check out Memphis. Apparently that have alot of those clubs.

Journey Lite

Losing weight is a serious issue for many Americans, and those who attempt it often walk away without success. In situations like this one, it might be right to consider having lapband surgery. is a website where you can go to find a lapband doctor to perform the procedure. If you are interested in having lapband surgery, you can find out how to be a part of a free seminar to get more information about the procedure. An important thing to know about lapband surgery is that it is one of the safest, and is completely reversable. So, if you are one of the many who have tried all sorts of ways to lose weight, and have failed, consider having lapband surgery. Your journey in life is better when you are happy with the way you look.

Bad Weather

There has been some really crazy weather lately. It seems that almost no matter wherever you are, you have been feeling some of the ugly, gloomy weather. If you are lucky enough to have had good weather lately, then I am happy for you. If you are one of the many that have had bad weather issues, I feel for you. According to the weatherman, things should be looking a little brighter around here in East Texas this weekend. So, I am looking forward to it.

New Media Expo in Las Vegas

If you are a blogger, online audio or video creator, there is an upcoming event that you should check out. it's the 4th Annual New Media Expo 2008 that will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, August 14-16. This event is packed with information on how to create high quality online content. They also have great ideas on how to monetize your online content. Those attending this event include individual, and corporate media content creators, media buyers, and educators. So, if you are serious about creating a high-quality online presence visit NewMediaExpo.Com to find out more information about attending this awesome event.

Visiting Orlando

I've been thinking about visiting Orlando. There is just so much to do there. Maybe I can finally visit the Disney Park, and all the other area attractions. Hopefully I can gather a few friends together to go on a fun road trip!

Driving in Cars With Friends

Today a few friends of mine, and I are going out of town, just a couple of hours away. I think we may do a little shopping, and then we are going to an I.H.O.P, (not what you think). I am referring to an International House of Prayer. They are really awesome if you haven't heard of them before. They are for the "radical" kind of Christian. So, if you consider yourself to be one of those, you might want to look them up.

Galco Gear

If you haven't heard of Galco, they are a great brand of police and military gear. You can find some of their products at They have Galco holsters that are used by federal law enforment, and even Hollywoods stars. Galco is considered one of the top brands in the industry. LA Police Gear is having a special on Galco holsters, and when you order one, you can get a free coffee mug. They are also offering free shipping on Galco orders of over $75. So check the site and get yourself a free coffee mug along with your order.

Starting to Feel Like Summer

I was suprised when I woke up this morning to find it cold outside. It has been pretty nice out lately. But, later on it quickly warmed up. Now it's kind of hot out. So, I'm going to take my niece to the water park soon. Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. So, I'll let you guys know how it was when I get back.

Where Is That Person Calling From?

I know I'm not the only one who has had this problem before. The phone rings, and you check to see who's calling, only to find a phone number that you don't recognize. Then they just keep calling and calling. You can use a cool service called the Reverse Cell Phone Lookup to find out whose calling you. You just type in the phone number, and you can find out where the call is coming from. The number doesn't even have to be listed. You can also take further action to stop these annoying phone calls by joining the National No Call Registry . This is a service I highly recommend. No one should have to be bothered at all hours of the day answering unsolicited phone calls. So, visit to help solve your phone worries.


It's Friday, and I want to get out and go somewhere. I think it would be nice to go shopping. I just quit my job of seven years, and want to relax a little before I start working again. The problem is that gas prices are so high, I would have to shop around this little bitty town that I'm in. Traveling is going to be quite expensive this year.

Back From Mexico

I just returned from Ciudad del Carmen in Mexico. I had the best time ever. The Island was very nice, and the people were so friendly. The weather was scorching hot, but I was able to handle that with some light clothing and air conditioner. I went to Playa Norte, (North Beach) and it was very nice. The water was perfect. This latest trip to Mexico, has been by far my favorite. So, I would recommend Ciudad Del Carmen as a great place to visit in Mexico.

My Journey To Mexico

I am leaving for Mexico early tomorrow morning. My route goes like this: Driving from East Texas to Austin. Fly from Austin to Houston, then from Houston to Mexico. Very interesting journey since my drive to Austin is longer than the flight to Houston. But, apparently, it's cheaper that way. Who would have thought?

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Spring time is here and that means that you might be in the middle of planning your next vacation. If that happens to be the case, I have found a location off of that you might want to consider. Hilton Head Island in South Carolina is among some of the most beatiful vacation destinations in the United States. It's also loaded with a variety of fun activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Whether you want to just relax by the beach, enjoy kayaking, or even go parasailing over the ocean, you are sure to find lots of ways to spend your time on the island. There are also activities for children to enjoy, including shows and face painting. If you want more information about traveling to Hilton Head South Carolina , check out the website. The site can tell you anything you want to know about the destination. From the site you can look up weekly rates for all the properties available for booking. There you will also find all of the amenities

Travel Well

The American Dollar has lost quite a bit of value lately. So when you are traveling, it's important to try to make the dollar go as far as it can, especially if you are changing currencies. So, when you are deciding where to go on vacation, try to pick a destination with an exchange rate in favor of the dollar.

Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre

I stayed in the Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre hotel not too long ago, and am happy to say that my stay was fantastic. They had some of the best customer service I had experienced at any other hotel. The property was beautiful with a water garden right next to the hotel. They also had a high tech work out facility, that was equipped with complimentary fruit and bottled water. The hot tub was also very nice. I was pleased with my stay, and highly recommend the hotel for anyone who will be in the Dallas area.

New La Quinta In East Tx

There is a new La Quinta in Palestine, Tx. It is brand spankin' new. I have not had the chance to stay there yet, but ifyou are in East Texas, you should try it and let me know what you think, so I can post a review of the new hotel on my site.

Green a Good Color for Google

I love to see so many people doing things to help our environment., so we can keep earth beautiful. I am not an environmentalist by any stretch of the imagination, but I also don't think we should trash it up either. So, I appreciate Google's commitment to helping the environment. They are going green which is great. Finding ways to use natural resources for energy, such as solar and wind power, saves lots of money, and is better for the enviroment. Here is a link for more information, Powering a clean energy revolution .

Diamond Jacks Casino and Resort

I stayed at the Diamond Jacks Casino and Resort not too long ago, in Shreveport, La. I have to say, I was less than impressed with my stay. I picked the Hotel because of the jacuzzi that is in every room, and that was nice. But, there were many other things that I was not happy with. It seemed like the walls were very thin, as I could hear many employees talking in the hallway at 6 am after being awakened by a loud truck outside the building that was beeping non stop for 5 minutes. So, I was forced to get out of bed a lot sooner than I had planned. I was also annoyed at having to pay a deposit to use the phone, and watch the tv. Also, there is a mini bar in the room, which also requires a deposit to be used. So, I did not enjoy my stay at the hotel. But, the casino was pretty good. It has a decent payout, and I will probably go back there sometime, if I am in the mood for some gaming. I do not gamble much, so it won't be too often that I go back.

Make Money While You Blog

If you have a Blog , you can start earning some exta cash with it. Bloggerwave is a great site where you can post for advertisers and make money. What a great opportunity for bloggers. We all know how difficult it is to build and manintain a good blog. So, this is a great way to be rewarded for all your hard work. So, go to BloggerWave now to sign up, and submit your blogs. Once they are approved you can start earning!

Played Hide and Seek With My Niece

My neice is always wanting me to play with her so even though I wasn't feeling too well, I played hide and seek with her which is her favorite game. I got tired pretty quickly. But, I think I had as much fun as she did. I really enjoy spending time with her.

Happy Easter

What A wonderful day tomorrow is. The day we celebrate the resurrection Of Jesus Christ, which is hope for all the world. So, to everyone out there I say, Happy Easter!

Need To Start A Diet.....

I have been feeling a little miserable lately and so I think I need to start a diet. I feel like I have been eating way too much lately and it has caused me to gain a little. That is so not cool. So, I will be starting my diet right away :)

What Desert Are You Most Like?

I guess I did this quiz because I was hungry. Oh well, here are the results. You Are Smores Unusual and unconventional, you make your strange ways work for you. You've got personality - no one's denying that! What Dessert Are You Most Like?

Nora's Notes

Thanks Nora for being the first to shout at me on this blog! You rock girl! moving on now.... I am setting up my Technorati Profile , so all my links will count. So, If you are interested in exchanging, just let me know!

What Kind of Traveller Am I?, I'm glad you asked!

Your Travel Personality Is: The Bonder For you, travel is less about where you're going - but who you're going with. It's no fun to experience an amazing city or a beautiful beach without your friends. In fact, it doesn't really matter where you go... because you and your friends always figure out how to have fun! What's Your Travel Personality?

Beautiful Mexico

This is a picture of the lovely view I saw while visiting Mexico. Some friends and I were just enjoying the afternoon, shopping and relaxing. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I would love to travel for a living. I enjoy learning about different cultures, and traditions. This fall, I will be moving to Mexico for 6 months to learn Spanish. I am very excited. I'll be attending a language school in Merida for a month, and then will move on to another location, undecided as of yet. But, I sure, no matter what happens, I will enjoy the experience.